Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Paltz public art

This was in front of Bacchus on Monday 7/26 around 7:00 it was made out of some kind of powder, therefore it doesn't last forever.
I was sitting in Rock Da Pasta with 2 of my friends previous to seeing this piece and running around main street was man in a blue full body suit and a woman in a red one. You could not see their faces. They had flip flops on and the woman had a purse but other than that they were just walking around the down town area. They were in Cafeteria at one point just hanging out and then continued on their way. Public performance art.

I don't really know how to describe where this is located but its off north chestnut going towards southside near where you turn to go down where pencil hill is. They had just painted the arrows for traffic as this intersection was always confusing and then the next day this appeared.

I feel I am now more aware to public art and just get excited when I see it. Especially work like this when its not commissioned and its just there for a time until its removed or cleaned or just dissipates

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