Friday, July 16, 2010


The mountain previously known as the 'Southern Sky Column' in China, which has now been named the 'Avatar Hallelujah Mountain'

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Ursula Von Ryding
LUBA 2009-2010
Cedar, cast bronze and graphite

LUBA looks like the Hallelujah mountains from Avatar and in turn the real life mountains in China. Growths from the earth. Skinny juts into the sky. You would feel free at the top of this structure as you would at the top of the mountains. There is something hopeful about this piece. It looks like the earth and like its belongs in the earth. I wanted to stay with this piece all day and lay under its shade. It made me feel comfortable. It did until a bunch on non-English speaking tourists came and took many photos next to this piece. They all took turns standing next to it with their children. It made me wonder if the photos will wind up shuffled away in a photo album or on the fridge or maybe even in a frame. I wondered if the piece made them feel as happy and grounded as it made me feel.

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